Season 4. Ep.2 Marian Liebmann - Art Therapist (UK)

Marian Liebmann has worked in art therapy with offenders, with women’s groups and community groups, and for 19 years in the Inner City Support and Recovery Team (adult mental health), where she developed work on anger issues.

She teaches and lectures on art therapy at several universities in the UK and Ireland. She has run art therapy workshops in several European countries, as well as the US and Africa.

She also works in restorative justice, mediation and conflict resolution. She has written or edited 14 books, including Art Therapy in Practice, Art Therapy with Offenders, Arts Approaches to Conflict, Restorative Justice: How It Works, Art Therapy and Anger and Arts Therapies and Sexual Offending.

In 2010 she obtained her PhD by publications and in 2013 she was awarded OBE for services to art therapy and mediation.


Season 4. Ep.1 Judy Rubin - Art Therapist (USA)


Season 3. Ep.12 Patricia Fenner - Art Therapist (Australia)