Season 4. Ep.1 Judy Rubin - Art Therapist (USA)
Judith A. Rubin, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM is a licensed psychologist, child and adult psychoanalyst, and board-certified art therapist. A past President and Honorary Life Member of the American Art Therapy Association, she has written six books and created thirteen films. For three years in the sixties she was the Art Lady on the PBS children’s program, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Now retired from clinical practice and regular teaching, she served for forty years on the faculties of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center. She also presented and taught at many universities and conferences in the U.S. and abroad. President and co-founder of Expressive Media, she launched an online Training Film Library in the expressive therapies. In 2024, the film library was acquired by, a video streaming platform serving a range of mental health professionals. Judy is currently engaged in two unfinished EMI projects: an International Film
Festival on the Arts in Healing and a film provisionally entitled “The Many
Faces of the Creative Arts Therapies,” in process of being created.