Season 2 - Ep. 2 Claire Ganzon - Art Therapist (Australia)

Hi, I'm Claire. 

I am a registered art therapist for aged care in Melbourne. I’ve had the opportunity to work with youth in recovery, palliative care patients, and residential aged care. My enriching experience working with older people inspired me to establish a practice that engages and empowers the aged care community.   

  I completed my Masters in Art Therapy in La Trobe University. My placement experience in the palliative care setting motivated me to develop a new approach to art therapy that accommodates the physical limitations of patients often caused by fatigue. This approach is called Art on Behalf wherein the art therapist assists in the co-creation of the artwork. It makes art therapy more accessibly to people with limited mobility. 

  Working in aged care, I witnessed the transformative potential of art therapy with older people living with dementia. I believe that making art can be a nurturing and healing experience when you are with someone who is fully present. My mission is to improve the well-being of the aged care community by promoting arts engagement with older people living with dementia.  


Season 2 - Ep. 3 Dr. Daphna Arbell Kehila - Expressive Arts Therapist (Singapore)


Season 2 - Ep. 1 Jackie Schuld - Expressive Art Therapist (USA)